HI I’m Dr. Marissa! And I have a question for you...
Are you 88% Happy?
I know I know we just came through a pandemic but still...were you 88% happy before that? Or were you just "OK" ?! Or worse, FINE!
(which stands for F'd up Irrational Neurotic & Emotional!!)
How do I know you can be Happy?
Because I'm one of the 7 out of 10 of us who went through past trauma and found a way out through the pain and out the other side into choosing Happiness!!
Let's take a quick check to see if you want to keep reading...Are you feeing any of the following more than 4 hours a week?

"SPEAKING" of Happiness...
Dr. Marissa Pei has keynoted on a plethora of large stages, including the largest venues in the world including Carnegie Hall, LA and LB and Anaheim Convention Centers and internationally across Africa, India, China, Philippines and Brazil for the most success organizations in the world. She is a master at creating specialized talks that take into account the specific audience she is addressing. Her satisfied clients include:

AND I have good news! I wrote a book to give you a Map to Happiness!
Because Pain in Life is Mandatory...but Suffering is Optional!!
So get ready to turn the suffering into...


8 Ways to Happiness
from wherever you are...

8 Bestseller Lists
#1 Amazon Bestseller Christian Self Help
#6 Happiness #8 Success
National Bestseller List #4 Denver Post
4 Book Medals
Book signings and sold in every major bookstore in North America
Barnes and Noble, Books a Million, Chapters Indigo, Tattered Covers
Also Sold on Amazon Audible Target Walmart
I know from experience...when you grow up being told you are fat ugly and clumsy, you believe it and that BS Belief System picks up speed when your wasband tells his friends you are obese and then cheats on you...and all the while, the voice in your head says that it's true, you are good for nothing, a piece of shitake, worthless and no matter how much you achieve, you willl never be enough. BUT I am here to tell you that that is BS!!
I wrote 8 Ways to Happiness as a map to claim their birthright to happiness!! Because statistics show that 7 out of 10 of us have had childhood trauma, because our parents were raised by their imperfect parents and so on and so on...but the BUCK STOPS RIGHT OVER...HERE! With ME and YOU!! Actually Oprah, my honorable moniker says it's 8 out of 10 and some psychologists today say it's as high as 90%...either way WE ARE THE MAJORITY!! SO why do we, the majority, think there is something wrong with us?! That we are damaged goods, or we will never catch up and be successful?! More Bull-Shitake!! So it's TIME!!
AND because my life motto is don't die wondering, there are a myriad of ways in which to access my koolaid...have me speak at your corporate conference, your annual company strategic planning day, your women's organization, your professional networking event, as a guest on your TV or Radio/Podcast show, as your executive coach, your personal happiness coach, or any combination thereof!
I'm on a Happy88 Mission...88 million more happy people in the next 8 years and I have already had to adjust the number up as it used to be 8 million but I surpassed that number with my speaking and booksignings in the Philipines and China...yes I was 10 miles from Wuhan November 2019...but no virus! AND now I am HAPPY to be back on the road touring.
I am looking for international publishing companies to bring my 8 Ways to Happiness Book/Program/Process into different languages now!
And if you are someone who is carrying their pain from their past into their present and future and is tired of being unhappy most of the time. I know your pain, and I know that PAIN in life is mandatory...but SUFFERING is OPTIONAL. So if you are ready to stop making excuses and start making juice from this thing called LIFE let's catch the Gospel according to NIKE...JUST DO IT!!
If you're not sure which option is right for you just book a free chat with me at DrMarissa1.youcanbook.me or use the CHOICES Links above to fill in the information and I will get back to you asap!

Almost Every Monday on the air from 9-10am PT it's #MentalHealthMondays on my award-winning positive talk radio/tv show and if you sign up here, you will be scheduled for a free coaching session valued at $250 and get a free copy of my bestseller 8 Ways to Happiness Audiobook so sign up TODAY!
Love for 8 Ways

I know strength. The kind of strength it takes to fight all the angles of adversity we face in life, as my dad gracefully role-modeled for me. Dr. Marissa has captured the essence of using inner strength and Universal fortitude to process the necessary and unavoidable pain in life. You can discover the undefeated champion within you, by using this book to guide you to your strongest self!
― Laila Ali,
4-time undefeated boxing world champion and daughter of the great Muhammed Ali

Wonderfully written! Easy and fun to read, it’s packed with great insights. If you feel unhappy more than you’d like, this is exactly the right book. I am so glad you found it!
― Neale Donald Walsch,
New York Times Best-selling author of Conversations with God

The book you hold in your hands is a trustworthy guide to expanding inner happiness. Marissa Pei shares not only the work she has done with her clients, but the work she has done within herself, the challenges she has personally, victoriously walked through. Wise are those readers who allow her to give them a “peace” of her mind… 8 Ways to Happiness awak
ens us to the fundamental happiness that is the birthright of every human being. I encourage you to read these pages slowly, take their practices to heart, and watch how they will bless your life.
― Michael Bernard Beckwith,
Global Thought Leader, Oprah Super Soul 100 List of Awakened Leaders, Founder of renowned Agape International Spiritual Center

Celebrities love Dr. Marissa, introduced to Oprah as the Asian Oprah!
Click on photo to hear the interview...and for more Red Carpet click here